The Blowing Rock Historical Society
Preserving Our Historical Culture and Charm
Recent Event & Program Photos

Artists in Residence at Edgewood Cottage
Artists in Residence at Edgewood Cottage is a juried art show that features different artists each week during the summer. Selected artists think of Edgewood Cottage as their personal art gallery in a beautiful historic setting on Main St. in downtown Blowing Rock. During a typical week, artists will see anywhere between 200 to 500 visitors. Many are just curious to see the beautiful art work and some will purchase art.
This program is a significant service to our community, drawing over 6,000 visitors a year to historic Edgewood Cottage. It is also beneficial to our high country artists, giving them a great venue to demonstrate and sell their art. The Artists in Residence at Edgewood Cottage program intentionally selects a variety of artists in a variety of media. We look for new high-quality aspiring artists as well as veteran artists.
The program is also a significant fundraiser for the Blowing Rock Historical Society. We typically choose to allocate 1/2 of our net proceeds to a worthy historic cause in Blowing Rock. For example, we have frequently donated proceeds to restoration projects at Moses Cone park.
Blowing Rock In Transition Program
History doesn't stop, and our village continues to evolve. One of the Blowing Rock Historical Society’s programs records our history for our grandchildren and future generations. “Blowing Rock in Transition” is a photo record of changes to Main Street and Valley Blvd. started in 2009 by Jerry Burns and continued today by Lonnie Webster. Photos of buildings and events are compiled roughly every two years, creating a record of our wonderful village over time.
These photos are archived, and periodically, we will publish some of them. Click on the video below to see some of the photos from a presentation made at our 2020 Annual Meeting. And you might want to unmute your speakers to listen to the beautiful music.

Historical Marker Program
The Historical Society, partnering with the Blowing Rock Art & History Museum, awards historical markers to properties of historical significance to our village. To date over 40 properties have received this prestigious award which is presented during our annual town birthday party (hosted, by the way, by the Blowing Rock Historical Society.)
Click here for details about the program plus sites and a walking tour.
One of the many reasons to belong to the Historical Society is fellowship. Throughout the year, we have several standing events and periodic "get-togethers", and they are all great occasions to see friends, make new ones and generally have a good time.
Holiday Party
This festive holiday party, which includes social time and a catered dinner, is a great opportunity to mingle with fellow members. This is a members only event, and reservations are required.
Town Birthday Party
Held in a packed Town Hall, this annual event is a time to celebrate our heritage while enjoying cake and punch and great fellowship. During the event, Historical Markers are awarded by the Historical Society and BRAHM.
Jerry Burns Day
Jerry Burns was "Mr. Blowing Rock" and the BRHS remembers him on his birthday with a celebration that includes one of his favorite cakes baked by his wife and a speaker from one of Blowing Rock's founding families providing a brief history of their family and some engaging memories of old Blowing Rock.
Annual Meeting
The BRHS Annual Meeting is an occasion for members to gather, socialize, hear about our status and tend to business. We typically have an engaging speaker making a relevant presentation.
Tea & Tour
Each spring a home with historic value is selected for the Tea and Tour. The home owners share information about the home while BRHS members tour the home and enjoy refreshments. There is a nominal charge and this event is open to BRHS members only.
Hometown Harvest
This annual dinner (held on a Sunday in November) is sponsored by several Blowing Rock organizations. All Blowing Rock residents are invited to bring a covered dish to share. This is a time of fun & fellowship for all who attend. Each year a Baking contest is held with a category for youth and for adults - once the judging is done & prizes awarded, attendees can sample the desserts.